Your Guide to Lawn Pests

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Now that spring is here, many gardeners are turning their attention to their lawns. If you discover your lawn has become the home of some uninvited guests, don’t worry! Our quick guide to lawn pests will help you identify who’s moved in and help you to evict them!


To check for bug infestations in your lawn, pour a bucket of soapy water over the affected area. Any pests lurking below the surface will rise up, making identification easier. Here are some of the most common culprits and how to send them packing!


Army Worm

In spite of the name, the Army Worm is in fact a caterpillar. They can invade lawns in huge numbers, with devastating consequences. Army Worms can be green, brown or black in colour, often with a striped appearance and growing up to 4cm long. As they live under the soil by day they can be difficult to spot, but leave tell-tale brown patches on your lawn where they devour the grass at night. Win the fight against Army Worms by choosing a product with Chlorantraniliprole.



One of the first signs of ants is small mounds of excavated soil on the lawn surface. Ants prefer well-drained and aerated lawns, so improving your lawn’s health will not fix the problem. While there are some home remedies to get rid of ants, they can damage or discolour the lawn. Look for an insecticide containing the active ingredient Fipronil to tackle your ant problem effectively.



The Wireworm is the larval stage of the Click Beetle. Wireworms live under your lawn’s surface and will feed on germinating grass seeds and plant roots, causing plants to wilt and die. Wireworms are pale and shiny, with 3 pairs of legs just behind the head. Since they breed in early spring, keep your eyes peeled for the signs of Wireworms in your soil at this time of year. Treat Wireworms with a lawn pest control insecticide. 


Two Spotted Mites

These mites are usually brown or orange-red in colour and live underneath the leaves of your lawn. They are also called Spider Mites as they also have 8 legs and in heavy infestations, they leave fine webbing on the grass. Affected grass may turn yellow or bronze colour. Get a Two Spotted Mite problem under control by using a product containing Chlorantraniliprole Molehills. The damaged lawn is the result of European Mole activity. This pest is also known as Talpa Europaea.



Does your lawn need more help to recover from a pest problem? Contact the team at Turfman for a quote or purchase your turf now.